Pork specialist and pork scientist have porkingly proven that porking yourself with pork does not make you look like a pig. Instead, you look like a pork. Bacon, ham, sausages and angel legs with BBQ sauce are all part of a good porkfest. The pork loving cult of the great pork lord of doom have recently had a vision of grandiose and suicide by pork choking while being at a pork-fiesta and watching Invader Zim in the great language of pork (also known as german). Pork truly is the meat of king.
Porknormentorgakkutan, great king of all porks, approves of this message.
Sponsored by the Meat empire who will enslave all of meats untill only 100% true pork patriots rule the land of Protein. All other protein filled nutrients will be killed and burned. All power to Porknormentorgakkutan, emperor of the third most evil empire in this real (first being McDonalds and second being Wal Mart)